Is it crazy to be in love with a peach tree? Does it make me eccentric or a bit wacky? It hasn't been an easy relationship. We've certainly had our issues. I've put up with years of sporadic commitment issues from my tree. One year it would produce 3-4 big juicy peaches. What can you do with only 3-4 peaches? Another year it would be loaded with peaches and I would get my hopes up that it was finally going to be the peach tree of my dreams. But, the peaches wouldn't swell and I would be stuck with a bunch of scrawny little fruits.
Like all relationships, ours just took time. Even though Jeff, at one time, threatened to cut my tree down and replace it with a better one, I was patient. My constancy has paid off and this year my peach tree has rewarded me with about 100 beautiful, plump, juicy peaches! It makes me happy just looking at them! Hopefully this is just the beginning of a bright (and delicious) future for us.