Thursday, April 9, 2009

Beautiful Eggs!!!

My mom, who recently retired, decided that she wanted to raise some chickens. My dad, like the good man that he is, dutifully went out and built my mom a chicken coop. Then they gathered up their grandchildren and took them to the feed store to pick out some baby chicks.

Two of my children picked out Americana chickens. I'd like to think that it's because they have good taste and knew that these chickens would lay beautiful eggs. In reality they probably just thought the Americanas were the cutest.

Just in time for Easter, the chickens finally began laying. One of the Americanas lays a lovely, light blue/green colored egg and the other lays a pale, moss green egg. Haley and I spent one afternoon blowing the insides out of several eggs. Well, actually, Haley did two and then I told her to stop because her ears were hurting. That would have been a fun doctor's appointment. "I'm sorry my daughter's ear drums are ruptured, but look at the pretty eggs I have for the wreath on my wall."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Flower Thieves

There is a darling house next to mine. When we moved in it still had the original hitching post in front and it has a great built-in buffet between the dining room and the kitchen. Unfortunately, the foundation under the house has completely deteriorated and so no one can live there. For the last couple of weeks, there has been a blanket of white flowers surrounding this cute little home.
On Monday, Haley and I decided to go over and pilfer some of them. While we were there, we noticed a beautiful purple lilac tree and pink rose bush covered in flora. The pilfering continued and pretty soon we had a enough flowers for my ironstone pitcher.

Tuesday morning I woke up to the sound of a lawn mower. I looked out the window and that beautiful carpet of flowers was being MOWED DOWN! So the moral of the story is when you have an opportunity to steal flowers, do it. You may not get another chance.