Friday, June 12, 2009

Change is Good!

So Jeff and I tried something new this last weekend. We've shopped at Antique Faires many times, but we had never sold at one. On Sunday we stepped out of our quiet, sheltered, little shop into the hustle, bustle and WIND of the Alameda Antiques Faire. We loved it and I've already booked us for next month! Now I've only sold there once and I'm certainly not an expert, but here are my words of wisdom if you ever decide to sell your wares in Alameda:

1. 4:00 am (set up time) comes early. No caffine the night before!

2. As you're setting up in the dark, don't forget to gaze across the bay at the city of San Francisco all lit up. It's beautiful!

3. Going along with #2, when set up is over, sit and have your coffee while watching the sunrise. The bay and SF look beautiful again.

4. Portapotties are possibly the worst invention of all time. It's a terrible dilemma to need coffee (remember 4:00 am set up) and only have portapotties available. Uck!

5. Don't rely on the spf protection in your moisturizer and foundation to protect your face from a sunburn. It doesn't work.

6. Don't assume that all chapstick has spf protection.

7. Sunburned lips make you look like you've had collagen injections.

8. Spending the day with your favorite guy, lovely views, selling & chatting with interesting people, shopping for antiques and stopping for a nice dinner on the way home = can't wait for next month!